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Study, Development and Manufacturing of specific brass components

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RD, R&D, conception, conceptor, development, research, production, manufacturer, factory, company, manufacture, product, article, equipment, accessory, component, part, specific, special, on drawings, module, oem, office, study, manifold, valve, ball valve, check valve, faucet, bibcock, fitting, PE fitting, PEX fitting, crimping, compression, hose, flexible, pipe, thread, brass, nipple, nut, mixing valve, mxer valve, sanitary, tee, elbow, heating, plumbing, hydraulic, pex, multiskin, polyethylene, HPB59-1, HPB57-1, cw617, CW617N, CW614, CW614N, stamping, casting, copper alloy, machining, quality, cad, heater, boiler, pump, geothermy, geothermal, solar